Green Care explained Green Light Trust exists to support people from all backgrounds and experiences to rebuild, reawaken or refocus their lives through the power of nature. We believe in the power of Green Care – the idea of the environment being a useful and advantageous tool in the care of us all in society. Many a health professional or academic professor will confirm the merits of outdoor activities, and being ‘closer to nature’, when it comes to creating benefits for our wellbeing. It’s this concept which runs through all that we do, helping us continually develop programmes and partnerships which emphasise the power of our natural world. Our work delivers practical and social-based interventions, which support people across all walks of life, no matter their background, their aspirations, or their previous experiences of nature and the environment. Started in 1989, and with an ethos around the protection and regeneration of our natural environment, the charity delivers a variety of courses, workshops and educational opportunities for both adults and children. We operate in a number of woodlands and green spaces, where we run courses which teach about conservation and ecology, as well as how to use nature for maintaining wellbeing, and other practical activities such as wood-crafting and bushcraft; supporting individuals and groups with their own unique journey towards improved health and a better future. At our core, we are an organisation which supports and enables. Our aim is to equip and empower individuals to take back control of their lives and build resilience to future life challenges. We guide and facilitate through helping individuals to discover new hope and self-awareness. With mental health frailties such an issue in today’s world, and a growing problem of social isolation and educational exclusion, our offering provides a hugely significant opportunity to benefit communities at large.