Our vision

Is a society where everyone has equitable access to the power of nature.

We’re committed to achieving long-term sustainable outcomes that progress people beyond our support.
Find out more

Why we do what we do

From Hopeless to Hopeful

Watch staff member Bryony's inspiring video of her journey from participant to volunteer to staff member.

Our impact


Adults, children and young people supported in 2020.


"Discovering Green Light Trust was a lifesaver. Literally. Without the care and non-judgemental support I received, I dread to think what would have happened to me"


Reduction in GP visits for participants on our programmes

News & stories

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  • Generous supporters donate over £3k after GLT minibus wheels stolen

    On the first weekend of July, all four wheels and tyres from one of our minibuses were sadly stolen, almost exactly three years since we were able to purchase it thanks to a fundraising appeal. The news hit headlines locally and nationally, with many new supporters reaching out to us from across the country, wishing to donate. Read more

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