GLT is committed to respecting the privacy of employees, volunteers, trustees, participants, and every visitor to our website, persons completing forms and accessing services using electronic devices.  The information we collect about people will be used by us to fulfil the required services and enable us to improve how, as an organisation, we deal with people.

The information that we collect will only be used lawfully in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). All data is retained exclusively within the United Kingdom or transferred outside of the UK only where ‘adequacy of protection’ or specific certification (as defined by UK GDPR) has been confirmed.

Personal Data that we keep may be disclosed to external parties, known and trusted by us, where we are required under contract, partnership or funding arrangements to share it. In some instances, we are required to share some of your information with NHS England for the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS). It is not shared with your GP, and it does not include your name, case notes, themes of support, goals you are working towards or safeguarding information. NHS England uses the information to enhance the quality of mental health care, reduce inequalities and support service improvement. You have some control over setting opt out preferences for how your data is used by NHS Digital. To find out more about this, please visit 

Such other external parties will only be organisations with which GLT has arranged services for your benefit and who are governed by the same level of Data Protection law as GLT. We may also be required to share information with public authorities, funders or regulators if we are required under regulation or legislation to do so - for example, in relation to a funding eligibility, safeguarding issue or criminal offence.



If we transfer any Personal Data electronically it will be transferred securely.

We expect the information we hold to be accurate and up to date and individuals should ensure that we have up to date information about them. We will check if the information we have on our records is up to date each time an individual registers with us.

People have the right as an individual to find out what information we hold about them and make changes if necessary; they also have the right, assuming we are not obligated by law to refuse, to ask us to stop using the information.  To have information removed or rectified, please contact our Business and Systems Manager [email protected]

The type of information that we will collect, which is only what we need for us to provide an individual with services or communication, or to satisfy contractual or funding requirements, is voluntarily provided to us by individuals (referred to as Data Subjects under UK GDPR), or referring organisations who have permission to do so, and is entered electronically or manually on forms. This includes such as:

* Name

* Address

* Telephone number(s)

* Email address

* Date of birth

* Marital status

* Biometric, genetic, health/medical data

We may, in further dealings with individuals, extend this information to include such as: purchases, services used, subscriptions, bank account details, National Insurance number, criminal convictions/offences, race/ethnic origin, religious belief, sexual orientation, health and mental health, records of conversations and agreements and payment transactions.

There is no statutory or contractual requirement or obligation to provide us with your personal information; however, we will require a certain level of the information above (depending on the nature of our interaction with you) in order for us to deal with you as an employee, volunteer, participant/service user, supplier/contractor in an efficient and effective manner.

The legal basis for processing your data is based on your consent, that we will have requested at the point the information was initially provided. Unless we are precluded from doing so by law, you have the right to remove your consent at any time by contacting the Business and Systems Manager and requesting that processing of your details be restricted or deleted.

All Personal Data held by us is stored on a secure cloud-based system, access to which is only by authorised personnel of GLT, is password protected and we apply multi-factor authentication. Our system is protected from viruses by a firewall.

Unless otherwise required by law or contract, your data may be stored for a period of up to 10 years after our last contact with you, at which point it will be securely deleted. Personal Data held on our system will be completely deleted and any paper copies will be shredded and disposed of in confidential waste.

In the case of photographs or videos which are used for public or external purposes, these would be available in perpetuity as once they are in the public domain we have no control over their use.

Your data may also be available to our website provider to enable us and them to deliver their service to us, carry out analysis and research on demographics, interests and behaviour of our participants, users and supporters to help us gain a better understanding of them and enable us to improve our services. This may include connecting data we receive from you on the website to data available from other sources. Your personally identifiable data will only be used where it is necessary for the analysis required, and where your interests for privacy are not deemed to outweigh their legitimate interests in developing new services for us. In the case of this activity the following will apply:

  1. Your data will be made available to our website provider.
  2. The data that may be available to them includes any of the data we collect as described in this Privacy Policy and our Data Protection Policy.
  3. Our website provider will not transfer your data to any other third party or transfer your data outside of the UK or European Economic Area (EEA).
  4. They will store your data for a maximum of 7 years.
  5. This processing does not affect your rights as detailed in this Privacy Policy and our Data Protection Policy.

Should you wish to see further information about how we process data, please request a copy of our Data Protection Policy by contacting [email protected]

Green Light Trust is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), reference: ZA308907

Cookie information:

The Green Light Trust website creates cookies to give you a better browsing experience. These cookies contain no personal information but help our site to run more smoothly on your device.

About cookies on our website:

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we place onto your device. It is used to tailor your experience either for the duration of your visit (using what is known as a “session” cookie) or for repeat visits (for which we store what is known as a “persistent” cookie).

We also use "analytical" cookies which allow us to recognise and count the number of times you visit and to see how you move around our website.

Some cookies are set directly by us, while others are set by trusted third parties such as Google.

How these cookies are used:

Cookies set by us:

Persistent cookies are used in cases where your interactions need to be remembered across multiple visits, such as recalling your preferences. This type of cookie can be removed by finding the ‘clear history’ option in your web browser and selecting cookies as one of the items to be deleted.

Session cookies are also in use on our website. These only last for the duration of your visit. They store information on your short-term interactions with the site. For example, if a user with a visual impairment chose to resize the text on our website to make it easier to read, a session cookie might be used to remember this preference as they moved around the site.

We reserve the right to add further cookies in the future if we feel they will be beneficial for the performance of our website.

Cookies set by third parties:

In addition to cookies set by us, we allow trusted third parties such as Google and Facebook to place cookies on our site. These operate certain functions, for example, for Google analytics, or to link to our Facebook page via a button.

Google Analytics:

We use Google Analytics, a free service offered by Google, that gathers detailed information about your activity on our website. It does not gather any personal information, but it helps us to measure the way that you and other users move around the site with a view to improving your experience over time.

Are cookies safe?

Yes, cookies are completely safe and do not hold any personal information such as your home address, date of birth or credit card details.

What if I don’t want cookies?

If you are not comfortable with our website using cookies, please change your browser settings or navigate away from this website. Please note that by not using cookies some of the website's features may not be available to you.



GLT’s Business and Systems Manager is responsible for Privacy processes. Questions about this Policy and the personal data we manage should be directed to our Business and Systems Manager:

Business and Systems Manager
Green Light Trust
The Foundry
Bury Road
Bury St Edmunds
IP29 4PJ

[email protected]
01284 830829