Will Will has been at the Green Light Trust since 2016, and works primarily in Frithy Wood near Bury St Edmunds, with adult mental health groups and excluded teenagers. He previously worked for several years as a bushcraft instructor, leading courses camping in forests with children and adults, including fire lighting, shelter building and practical carving, and has also been on training courses in Sweden, Namibia and Borneo. Since joining Green Light Trust, Will has completed Forest School training and become enamoured with the seasonal cycle of the coppice, cutting and clearing to leave space for the wildflowers, that give way to brambles that shelter wildlife, that in turn protect the returning tree growth. Seeing the woods throughout the seasons and nesting in woodland camps that make doing so a pleasure, Will loves making woodland furniture and carving useful things, as well as looking out for the muddiest and smelliest signs of wildlife. Will’s favourite time of the year is the first frost of Autumn, when leaves are at their crunchiest and the ice makes them sparkle in the morning.