Our Women's Wellbeing programmes are 12 week programmes designed to support women by:

  • improving mental and physical wellbeing,
  • increasing confidence and self esteem,
  • reducing anxiety and social isolation,
  • and improving social and communication skills.

Our women only programmes are led by our female wellbeing in nature facilitators who will teach you practical woodland management, green woodworking, woodland craft, and bushcraft skills, whilst also supporting you to continue your learning at home to enable you to progress and achieve.

“Coming to the Green Light Trust is the best day of the week for me. Learning new skills, chatting and laughing, it’s the best therapy. Takes all your worries away for a day.” - Course participant

To register your interest on one of our Women's Wellbeing courses, please complete our adult enquiry form on the link below.

Fill out our adult enquiry form